v0.17.0 This release contains bugfixes, breaking changes, features, and quality-of-life improvements. Previous hotfix or single-PR releases since v0.16.0 are also included here (notably v0.16.3, which shouldn't have been just a patch release). Breaking API changes: - neonvm: Make spec.enableAcceleration a pointer (#474) - This should be backwards compatible at the k8s API server level (and with existing clients), but may cause compilation failures for usage of the Go client. Features: - neonvm/builder: add flag to configure uid of cgroup (#480) - already released in v0.16.2 Fixes: - plugin: Fix nodeConfig.ScorePeak JSON name (#478) - already released in v0.16.1 - plugin: Fix Score scale usage (#479) - already released in v0.16.1 - neonvm/controller: Handle pod termination during Scaling phase (#483) - agent: harden dispatcher concurrency (#484) Protocol changes: - agent: establish connection with monitor instead of informant (#442) - NOTE: this removes the vm-informant from everywhere. - already released in v0.16.3 Other changes: - plugin: Add availability zone label to node metrics (#482) Upgrade path from v0.16.x: - No ordering requirements for cluster-wide components (i.e. neonvm/scheduler/agents) - autoscaler-agents *must* be updated before using the updated vm-builder - #474 may require updating usage of the EnableAcceleration field.