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Overall, relatively small release. One big item about adding support for
NOTE the breaking changes below.


- neonvm: Add support for virtio-mem (#970)

Breaking changes:

- neonvm: Make spec min/max/use resources required (#971)

No protocol changes.


- neonvm-controller: Set podName only while Pending (#973)
- neonvm: Use memory_hotplug.online_policy=auto-movable for virito-mem (#981)
  - This notably fixes OOM issues that can occur by running out of
    ZONE_NORMAL when there is a lot of hotplugged memory.

Other changes:

- neonvm-controller: Emit CpuInfo/MemoryInfo every reconcile (#974)

Upgrade path from v0.31.0:

- All VMs in the cluster must have spec min/max/use resources set.
- All clients that may create VMs must set spec min/max/use resources.
- NOTE: neonvm-controller still uses DIMM hotplug (instead of
  virtio-mem) by default. It IS NOT SAFE to roll back if any VMs are
  using virtio-mem; they will permanently break. Refer to #970 for more.