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Ory Hydra v1.10.7 ships an exciting new feature that enables the updating of access and ID tokens during a refresh flow via an HTTP webhook. To set it up, use the `oauth2.refresh_token_hook` configuration to set up an HTTP(S) endpoint which receives a POST request when a refresh token is about to be issued!

And even more exciting, we would like to invite you to our first developer conference which is happening tomorrow and the day after (October 28th and 29th, 2021). The event is [digital and tickets are free]( After short keynotes from Ory's founders Aeneas (hackerman) and Thomas (tacurran), you will learn from fellow community members and contributors about building robust authorization and authentication, best practices for modern cloud infrastructure and many other developer topics! **[Grab your free tickets now!](**

Additionally, improvements to tracing, documentation, ID token claims have been merged. Also, Ory Hydra now no longer takes 3 seconds for the CLI to become responsive as we have found a transient dependency that caused slow initialization times:

$ time hydra
hydra  1.87s user 1.90s system 620% cpu 0.607 total

$ time ./hydra-v1.10.7
./hydra-patch  0.03s user 0.01s system 8% cpu 0.450 total

$ time ./hydra-v1.10.7
./hydra-patch  0.02s user 0.01s system 104% cpu 0.032 total

Please note that the location of our Homebrew tap has changed for Ory Hydra from `ory/ory/hydra` to `ory/tap/hydra`:

- brew install ory/ory/hydra
+ brew install ory/tap/hydra

All homebrew taps will move to this location, including Ory Kratos, Ory Oathkeeper, Ory Keto, and the Ory CLI!